Yuav Ua Li Cas Tsav Tsheb Kom Nyab Xeeb Hauv Tsheb Loj: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav Ua Li Cas Tsav Tsheb Kom Nyab Xeeb Hauv Tsheb Loj: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)
Yuav Ua Li Cas Tsav Tsheb Kom Nyab Xeeb Hauv Tsheb Loj: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Video: Yuav Ua Li Cas Tsav Tsheb Kom Nyab Xeeb Hauv Tsheb Loj: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Video: Yuav Ua Li Cas Tsav Tsheb Kom Nyab Xeeb Hauv Tsheb Loj: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)
Video: Tshuaj theem vim li cas thiaj tau nqi ?/ Siv kho mob dab tsi?/paris polyphylla use for? 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Cov tsheb sib tsoo yog kev txhawj xeeb rau ntau tus neeg tsav tsheb thiab kev ntxhov siab nws tsim tawm tuaj yeem cuam tshuam tsis zoo rau koj qhov kev ua tau zoo ntawm txoj kev. Cov tsheb loj yuav xav kom koj paub ntxiv txog koj ib puag ncig thiab ua tib zoo saib xyuas kev tsav tsheb. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tias koj ua raws qee cov lus qhia kev nyab xeeb tsav tsheb, koj paub tseeb tias rub los ntawm qhov kev tsheb tsis zoo uas tsis muaj teeb meem.

Cov kauj ruam

Txoj Kev 1 ntawm 2: Tsav Tsheb Kom Nyab Xeeb Hauv Cov Tsheb Loj

Tau Txais Kev Pov Hwm Tsheb Pheej Yig Rau Cov Hluas Tsav Tsheb Kauj Ruam 1
Tau Txais Kev Pov Hwm Tsheb Pheej Yig Rau Cov Hluas Tsav Tsheb Kauj Ruam 1

Kauj Ruam 1. Tshem tawm txhua yam kev cuam tshuam

Hauv cov xwm txheej hnyav, txoj hauv kev yuav muaj neeg coob nrog cov tsheb, cov tsheb khiav tsis xwm yeem, thiab tib neeg yuav pib ua siab ntev, ua rau lawv sim sib koom ua ke qhov uas lawv yuav tsis xav tau. Qhov kawg koj xav tau yog kev cuam tshuam tiv thaiv koj los ntawm kev ua tib zoo saib xyuas cov khoom no. Txwv koj qhov kev cuam tshuam los ntawm:

  • Tua koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes, lossis tso nws rau hom ntsiag to.
  • Hloov koj lub suab paj nruag, lossis tig lub ntim qis.
  • Qhia koj cov neeg caij tsheb kom nyob ntsiag to kom txog thaum koj tsis muaj neeg mus los ntau.
Tsav Tsheb Kom Ruaj Ntseg Nyob Ib puag ncig Cov Menyuam Kauj Ruam 3
Tsav Tsheb Kom Ruaj Ntseg Nyob Ib puag ncig Cov Menyuam Kauj Ruam 3

Kauj Ruam 2. Tsav tiv thaiv

Kev tiv thaiv kev tsav tsheb npog ntau yam txuj ci uas koj yuav tsum siv los tiv thaiv xwm txheej txaus ntshai ntawm txoj kev ua ntej cov xwm txheej no tshwm sim. Koj yuav tsum npaj rau txoj hauv kev uas koj tuaj yeem tshwm sim thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev, zoo li yog lwm lub tsheb tau sim thiab koom ua ke rau hauv koj. Ntxiv rau qhov no, koj yuav tsum:

  • Khaws koj lub qhov muag tshuaj xyuas cov tsheb thiab cov xwm txheej ntawm txoj kev.
  • Txheeb xyuas cov tsheb uas zoo li tsis muaj kev nyab xeeb, xws li cov tsheb sib koom ua ke hla txoj kab, ua kom muaj kev phom sij txaus ntshai, lossis khiav hauv txoj kab.
  • Ua raws txoj kev khiav tsheb.
  • Teeb liab ua ntej tig los lossis koom ua ib txoj kab.
  • Tso chaw ntau ntawm koj thiab lwm lub tsheb/cov qauv.
  • Tsis txhob tsav tsheb thaum nkees lossis ntxhov siab.
Pom Qhov Tseeb los ntawm Kev Xav Zoo Li Tus Kws Lij Choj Kauj Ruam 3
Pom Qhov Tseeb los ntawm Kev Xav Zoo Li Tus Kws Lij Choj Kauj Ruam 3

Kauj Ruam 3. Npaj koj lub sijhawm tsav tsheb kom tsis txhob muaj tsheb ntau

Muaj ntau zaus, txawm tias tawm mus kaum tsib feeb ua ntej pib lossis tom qab qhov kawg ntawm lub sijhawm maj tuaj yeem txo qis kev khiav ntawm koj lub tsheb. Txawm hais tias lub sijhawm tsis zoo tshaj plaws rau tsheb (teev nrawm) yuav txawv raws qhov koj nyob, feem ntau koj tuaj yeem cia siab tias nws yuav hnyav tshaj ntawm 08: 00-09: 00, thiab 17: 00-18: 00.

Tsav Tsheb Kom Ruaj Khov Nyob Ib puag ncig Cov Menyuam Kauj Ruam 8
Tsav Tsheb Kom Ruaj Khov Nyob Ib puag ncig Cov Menyuam Kauj Ruam 8

Kauj Ruam 4. Ua tib zoo saib cov tsheb hnyav nyob deb

Thaum koj mus txog qhov chaw muaj neeg coob coob ntawm txoj kev, koj yuav tsum coj koj ko taw ntawm lub nrawm thiab ntug dej hiav txwv mus rau tom ntej, tso kev sib txhuam kom qeeb koj lub tsheb. Qhov no yuav ua rau koj nrawm dua thaum txuag koj roj.

  • Nyob ntawm koj qhov nrug, koj kuj tseem yuav tsum nres kom qeeb mus rau qhov ua tau zoo thaum mus txog rau lub tsheb loj.
  • Los ntawm kev qeeb koj nrawm, muaj txoj hauv kev uas cov tsheb hnyav yuav tawg ua ntej koj mus txog nws. Qhov tsis tu ncua no, qeeb qeeb yuav txuag koj roj thiab tsim kom muaj peev xwm ua rau muaj xwm txheej tsawg.
Dhia Pib Tsheb Tsheb Kauj Ruam 13
Dhia Pib Tsheb Tsheb Kauj Ruam 13

Kauj Ruam 5. Siv qis zog txhawm rau txhim kho koj lub cav kom zoo

Txawm hais tias nyob hauv lub tsheb tsis siv neeg, qhov uas koj ib txwm tsis tas yuav txav tawm ntawm kev tsav tsheb tshwj tsis yog nres tsheb lossis txav rov qab, muaj qee zaum qis dua qhov teeb tsa. Cov no feem ntau tau sau tseg ntawm koj cov iav los ntawm tsab ntawv "D" ua raws tus lej, zoo li D2 lossis D3.

  • D3 lossis 3 feem ntau yog siv rau nres thiab tsav tsheb.
  • D2, 2, lossis S (uas sawv rau 'qeeb') xauv koj lub tsheb mus rau hauv lub iav thib ob, uas tuaj yeem muaj txiaj ntsig yog tias koj tab tom tsav tsheb nce lossis nqis toj siab.
  • Lub zog qis tseem yuav nres nrawm dua vim qhov tshwm sim tshwm sim "cav nres."
Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 1
Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 1

Kauj Ruam 6. Tso ob txoj kev deb nruab nrab ntawm koj thiab tsheb nyob ntawm koj xub ntiag

Koj yuav tsum ntsuas pes tsawg vib nas this ntawm qhov nrug deb ntawm koj thiab lub tsheb tom ntej tom ntej. Ua qhov no los ntawm kev xaiv tus yam ntxwv, zoo li daim paib qhia kev, thiab hais cov kab lus "tsuas yog ib tus neeg ruam ua txhaum ob txoj cai thib ob" raws li lub tsheb nyob tom ntej hla lub cim.

  • Thaum koj lub tsheb txawm nrog daim paib nres suav. Tus lej koj tau tso tseg suav rau nruab nrab pes tsawg vib nas this ntawm qhov nrug ntawm koj thiab lub tsheb nyob ntawm koj xub ntiag.
  • Kho koj qhov nrawm raws li. Ntau lub sijhawm nruab nrab ntawm koj thiab lub tsheb nyob rau pem hauv ntej yuav txhais tau tias muaj sijhawm ntau dua thaum muaj xwm txheej nres lossis qee yam xwm txheej ceev.
Tsav Tsheb Kom Ruaj Ntseg Nyob Ib puag ncig Cov Menyuam Kauj Ruam 10
Tsav Tsheb Kom Ruaj Ntseg Nyob Ib puag ncig Cov Menyuam Kauj Ruam 10

Kauj Ruam 7. Tsav ntawm lossis 5 mph (8.0 km/h) qis dua qhov txwv, txawm tias nyob ntawm txoj kev loj

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas koj xav tias muaj kev nyab xeeb thaum tsav tsheb, thiab qhov no yuav txhais tau tias koj yuav tsum tau tsav qeeb qeeb me ntsis dua li cov tsheb khiav mus los. Txawm li cas los xij, kev tsav tsheb qeeb dhau tuaj yeem ua rau lwm tus neeg tsav tsheb nyob ib puag ncig koj tsis ua siab ntev, ua rau muaj xwm txheej txaus ntshai rau kev tsav tsheb.

Kev ceev ntawm kev mus-thiab-mus kev yuav raug txo qis heev, txhais tau tias yog tias koj lossis lwm lub tsheb tau sib tsoo tiag tiag, kev puas tsuaj yuav tsawg heev thiab tsis yog lub cev hnyav


Simon Miyerov
Simon Miyerov

Simon Miyerov

Driving Instructor Simon Miyerov is the President and Driving Instructor for Drive Rite Academy, a driving academy based out of New York City. Simon has over 8 years of driving instruction experience. His mission is to ensure the safety of everyday drivers and continue to make New York a safer and efficient driving environment.

Simon Miyerov
Simon Miyerov

Simon Miyerov

Driving Instructor

Stay with the flow of traffic

If you're driving in heavy traffic, don't keep switching lanes in an effort to speed up. Studies show that speeding and switching lanes will only save you about 2-3 minutes of your time in the end.

Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 4
Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 4

Kauj Ruam 8. Npaj koj tus kheej rau kev tawm dag zog thaum muaj xwm ceev

Cov neeg tsav tsheb tsis txaus siab tuaj yeem txiav txim siab tsis zoo uas yuav xav kom koj ua sai heev txhawm rau tiv thaiv kev sib tsoo. Qee qhov xwm txheej, koj yuav tsum tau tawm ntawm koj txoj kab thiab mus rau lub xub pwg nyom.

Khaws koj lub qhov muag tshuaj xyuas tsheb, lub xub pwg ntawm txoj kev, thiab qhov chaw muaj peev xwm uas koj tuaj yeem coj koj lub tsheb thaum koj yuav tsum ua kom muaj xwm txheej ceev


Simon Miyerov
Simon Miyerov

Simon Miyerov

Driving Instructor Simon Miyerov is the President and Driving Instructor for Drive Rite Academy, a driving academy based out of New York City. Simon has over 8 years of driving instruction experience. His mission is to ensure the safety of everyday drivers and continue to make New York a safer and efficient driving environment.

Simon Miyerov
Simon Miyerov

Simon Miyerov

Driving Instructor

Stay focused, even if there are distractions on the roadway

Don't rubberneck while you're in traffic. If someone gets into a car accident and other people are trying to see what happened, it causes more congestion and can even lead to additional collisions.

Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 10
Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 10

Kauj Ruam 9. Tawm ntawm txoj kev yog tias koj tsis xis nyob heev

Koj lub xeev txoj kev xav muaj kev cuam tshuam rau koj lub peev xwm tsav tsheb, thiab kev ntxhov siab heev tuaj yeem cuam tshuam tsis zoo rau koj lub peev xwm los daws cov tsheb loj. Yog tias koj ib txwm muaj kev nyuaj siab dhau los ntawm kev tsav tsheb, koj yuav tsum:

  • Tawm ntawm txoj kev loj thiab so ntawm qhov chaw so kom txog thaum koj tau so lossis txoj kev nyob ntsiag to.
  • Qhib koj lub teeb thaum muaj xwm ceev thiab rub kom zoo mus rau sab xub pwg ntawm txoj kev. So me ntsis thiab mloog qee cov nkauj kom txog thaum koj xis nyob nrog kev khiav tsheb.

Txoj Kev 2 ntawm 2: Tsav Phau Ntawv Qhia Hauv Cov Tsheb Loj

Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 16
Tsav hauv New Zealand Kauj Ruam 16

Kauj Ruam 1. Muab chaw rau koj tus kheej ntxiv ntawm koj thiab lub tsheb ua ntej

Koj yuav xav tso chav me me ntau dua li qhov koj ib txwm ua thaum tsav tsheb tsis siv neeg. Qhov no yuav muab sijhawm rau koj nkag mus rau tom ntej hauv cov iav qis thaum lub tsheb pib txav mus rau tom ntej dua.

  • Txoj hauv kev no koj tsis tas yuav siv sijhawm, siv zog, thiab hnav-thiab-kua muag ntawm koj cov iav hloov pauv, thiab koj yuav tsis tau caij koj lub clutch thaum koj tos kom cov tsheb rov pib dua.
  • Kev nres tsheb-thiab-mus yuav zoo tshaj plaws hauv thawj lossis thib ob iav nyob ntawm koj lub cav thiab yuav ua li cas cov iav no ua haujlwm hauv koj phau ntawv tsheb.
  • Ceev faj cov neeg tsav tsheb tsis muaj zog txiav koj tawm thiab koom ua ke rau hauv qhov chaw ntxiv nyob ntawm koj xub ntiag.
Txo Kev Siv Roj Hauv Lub Tsheb Kauj Ruam 6
Txo Kev Siv Roj Hauv Lub Tsheb Kauj Ruam 6

Kauj Ruam 2. Qhib koj lub tsheb nrog lub cav nres

Cov tsheb tsheb tuaj yeem siv lub zog nres hu ua "cav nres" lossis "hloov tsheb nres" los ntawm kev tso lub nrawm thiab txav mus rau yam nyab xeeb. Koj yuav tsum tau tos kom txog thaum RPMs ntawm koj lub tsheb nyob rau qib uas txaus siab rau koj kom hloov pauv, tab sis thaum koj ua, koj lub tsheb yuav muaj kev cuam tshuam zoo rau kev nres.

  • Thaum koj tso tus tsuj roj, lub qhov hluav taws xob hauv koj lub cav kaw, tsim lub tshuab nqus ib nrab uas tsim lub cav tsis kam thiab ua rau koj lub tsheb qeeb.
  • Feem ntau, qis zog yuav ua rau lub zog nres ntau dua ntawm koj lub tsheb.
Txo Kev Siv Roj Hauv Tsheb 5
Txo Kev Siv Roj Hauv Tsheb 5

Kauj Ruam 3. Nyob twj ywm thaum lub tsheb nres

Nyob ntawm koj thaj av lossis lub tebchaws, tej zaum yuav muaj qhov sib txawv me ntsis hauv txoj cai tsav tsheb, tab sis feem ntau, cov neeg tsav tsheb xav kom tso lub ncoo nrug ntawm lub tsheb koj tab tom tsav tsheb thiab tsheb nyob pem hauv ntej. Qhov no yog txhawm rau tiv thaiv cov tsav tsheb ntawm phau ntawv tsheb, raws li lawv qee zaum yob rov qab me ntsis thaum hloov mus rau thawj lub iav.

Thaum hloov mus rau thawj lub iav nrog qhov chaw me me tom qab koj, lossis yog tias koj nyob saum toj roob; muab koj lub tsheb kom muaj roj ntau me ntsis thaum koj hloov mus rau thawj lub iav thiab maj mam tso lub clutch

Txo Kev Siv Roj Hauv Tsheb 7
Txo Kev Siv Roj Hauv Tsheb 7

Kauj Ruam 4. Ua kom nrawm nrawm uas qeeb me ntsis ntawm kev mus los

Cov neeg tsav tsheb tsis mob siab rau nres-thiab-mus kev feem ntau yuav nrawm dua qhov tsim nyog kom hla kev deb nruab nrab ntawm lawv thiab tsheb nres ntawm lawv xub ntiag. Qhov no tsis muaj txiaj ntsig zoo, vim tias qhov nrawm dua uas tsis tsim nyog yuav ua rau koj raug nqi roj ntau dua thiab tsis coj koj mus rau koj qhov chaw sai dua. Txog kev siv lub tsheb, qhov no tseem phem dua vim tias koj yuav tsum siv koj lub clutch kom txav qis lossis nres. Lub tswv yim zoo yog:

  • Ua kom nrawm ntawm qhov nrawm uas qis dua me ntsis ntawm cov tsheb khiav. Txoj hauv kev no koj tuaj yeem hla mus rau tom koj lub iav uas koj xaiv yam tsis tas yuav txav los lossis nres.
  • Txoj kev qeeb-tab sis-khov kho no tseem yuav tsim kom muaj qhov nruab nrab nruab nrab ntawm koj thiab lub tsheb nyob ntawm koj xub ntiag. Txawm li cas los xij, koj yuav tsum npaj kom txav mus yog tias cov neeg tsav tsheb tsis muaj siab koom ua ke rau hauv qhov chaw no.

Pom zoo: